A boundary survey establishes the property corners and property lines of a parcel of land in accordance with the deed at the time of the parcel's creation. Boundary surveys are typically performed to obtain building permits, to resolve property disputes, and for erecting fences. A topographic survey locates all improvements and topographical features such as elevations of the land, embankments, contours, trees, watercourses, roads, ditches, utilities, etc. At Skelly and Loy, we take pride in being able to unravel the worst boundary descriptions and find where the property was intended to be located by its original deed. We also prepare base and control maps for various earthwork, construction, and design projects.
Accordingly, we introduce ourselves proudly as a coherent team of well experienced, Internationally trained globally accepted team of Engineers, Surveyors, Geotechnical experts, Transport Planners, and natural resources Scientists.
We will further respond with all the details on your kind response to our introduction. We are also in a hope of a long term commitment with the agency having vision, understanding And appreciation of the excellence like that of yours.